Create Your Own Custom-Sized Foam
If you can't find your case template or don't need a case at all, here's where to start designing your custom-sized foam. Enter your custom-sized foam dimensions below and your cost will be displayed below the Start Designing button. Note: LENGTH is meaured parallel to the case hinge, WIDTH is measured from handle to hinge and DEPTH is from surface to bottom.
PLEASE NOTE: By starting here you are ONLY creating custom foam -- this does not include a case.
Pricing displayed is for TopGuard foam as standard, we offer a cheaper option at checkout for EPE foam.
TopGuard color options are also available during the checkout process.
If you are creating Tool Chest and Tool Case inserts please keep the following in mind:
1. We recommend using TopGuard Foam for hand tools and EPE Foam for power tools.
2. For shallow drawers, you will need to allow 10-15mm of free space in your drawer to be able to get items out nice and easy.
I.E. Drawer height is 50mm, use 40mm foam.
3. When measuring your draw, keep in mind not all drawer runners are full extension, you might have to allow for this in your design.
Please enter values in Millimeters